
Luncheons, not just for Ladies-

A menu like this will convince your family luncheons aren't just for ladies. Even though this menu would work great for a Ladies luncheon, it will be just as welcomed by your family.

The sandwiches being warm, is such a different twist to chicken salad, as well as cozy for this fall season.

The salad is fresh as well as a old stand-by family favorite.

The muffins are a sweet surprise ending. You can also add a lemon frosting, by mixing vanilla pudding mix, lemon jello, dry milk powder and water. Make sure to add in the extra calories if you decide to add the frosting.

Half Time Hot Chicken Sandwiches, Layered Party Pea Salad, and Vanilla-Poppy Seed Muffins

Total Calories: 430
1/2 Vegetable, 2 1/2 Protein, 3 Starch, 1/2 Skim Milk

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